Stephan Bauman, President and CEO, World Relief:Bauman
“We at World Relief have resettled about a quarter of a million refugees since the 1970s. The character of our nation is being tested now. We have a history of welcoming refugees and immigrants, and it has made us who we are. We also have had times in our history when we have turned away refugees. We don’t want to be that kind of nation. Refugees are people who love and are grateful for this country, who are hardworking, and a blessing to our communities. We celebrate our history of refugee resettlement and encourage our nation to make the right choice.”


HetfieldMark Hetfield, President and CEO, HIAS:
“The world needs to stay focused on fighting terrorism, not building walls of brick and paper to keep refugees out, which is exactly what happened in the years preceding and during World War II. How shameful would it be to shut out those Syrians who experience ISIS terrorism? The U.S. must and will continue to rigorously screen refugees, but as a rule, refugees do not bring terror; they are fleeing terror. They are not a drain, but a benefit to our economy and our communities.”



Edward Alden, Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations:

“Targeting all Muslims or refusing to admit refugees from countries with a terrorist presence is the sort of knee-jerk response that sadly appeals to all too many politicians.”
Read the full piece by Edward Alden, here.