WASHINGTON, D.C. — Pollsters and media assessing Sen. Marco Rubio’s surge into third place in Monday’s Iowa Caucus can look to a more productive immigration position that helped solidify his support.

“We’re not going to round up and deport 12 million people,” Rubio said at the Fox News debate Thursday in Des Moines. “But we’re not going to go around handing out citizenship cards, either. There will be a process. We will see what the American people are willing to support.”

Rubio’s stance on immigration in the debate scored well among viewers, according to focus group results from Republican pollster and analyst Frank Luntz.

As more and more voices in Iowa and beyond have shown, conservatives are realizing that a constructive conversation about immigrants and immigration resonates with a broad swath of Republican voters.

Now attention shifts to New Hampshire, where prominent Republican party officials have vocally supported broad immigration reform, alongside faith and other local leaders.

“A more constructive narrative on immigration is emerging among Republicans,” said Ali Noorani, executive director of the National Immigration Forum Action Fund. “Conservatives realize that our country needs an immigration process grounded in reality and our values.

“As all eyes turn to New Hampshire, more and more conservative voters are looking for candidates who offer pragmatic and constructive policy solutions on immigration. Next Tuesday in New Hampshire is the next step in a long process to advance a constructive immigration debate.”